What Is Cabin Fever? Seasonal Affective Disorder

What Is Cabin Fever? Seasonal Affective Disorder

Jan 07, 2022 Alex Brecher

Have you ever noticed “cabin fever” in winter? Do you consider yourself a summer person? Is your mood a little less bright in winter? It is more than your imagination or personality! You may have what is known as seasonal affective disorder, also known as “SAD.” 

Seasonal affective disorder may include a vague set of symptoms or hard to define changes in mood. Your doctor can help you identify whether you may have it and which treatments may be best for you. Often, vitamin D deficiency plays a role. PatchAid Vitamin D Patches have high amounts of vitamin D to be delivered through your skin without taking a capsule.

Symptoms and Causes of SAD

If you have these symptoms, especially at certain times each year, you may have SAD.

  • More fatigue, sleeping extra, or not having enough energy
  • Bad mood or irritation
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Weight gain
  • Feelings of hopelessness or guilt, or low self-worth

It can be the result of lower serotonin levels, or an imbalance of certain chemicals in your brain. Changes in your biological clock compared to the shorter day length can also trigger symptoms. And for many people, low vitamin D levels may play a role, since they can decrease during winter.

Vitamin D Patches by PatchAid

PatchAid Vitamin D Patches have very high levels of vitamin D, and you do not need to swallow a capsule. You can just wear them on your skin. The ingredients are suspended in a layer of the patch, and they get into your bloodstream through your skin when you apply the patch.

The Vitamin D3 and Calcium Patch also has vitamin K2. Along with helping maintain normal vitamin D levels, these nutrients are needed for bone health, proper nerve and muscle function, and a strong immune system. There is also a Vitamin D3 with K2 Patch.

The Vitamin D3 and Calcium Patch comes in white and clear options. The clear patches are designed to prevent people from noticing them on your skin. To use the patches, just peel off the backing and stick the patch onto an area of skin that is dry and clean. You can leave it on for up to 8 hours.

Other Treatment for SAD

There are many possible treatment options for SAD. These are some of them.

  • Light therapy with a bright light that mimics the light of the sun. You might use it for minutes or hours a day during the shorter days of fall and winter.
  • Exposure to natural sunlight, such as by exercising outdoors or sitting near a window while working.
  • Psychotherapy to help identify and work through stress.
  • Antidepressants if your SAD is resulting from a chemical imbalance.

Your doctor may recommend one of them or more than one of them. You may need to experiment with them, too, to see which work for you. Also, they may be best in combination with a Vitamin D PatchAid Patch if your vitamin D levels are low and may be related to your symptoms of SAD.

There is help if you have SAD, so be sure not to just settle! Work with your doctor to find out possible causes and solutions. Vitamin D3 Patches by PatchAid contain high levels of vitamin D, which is often low in SAD.

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