Patch Vitamins for Daily Health

Patch Vitamins for Daily Health

Oct 28, 2021 Alex Brecher

There is a lot that goes into your daily health. Eating well, exercising, maintaining mental health, and taking care of any chronic health concerns are all daily essentials for staying well. Another aspect of keeping your body and mind in tip-top shape every day is nourishing them well. The body and mind are complex systems that depend on certain nutrients and other compounds for optimal function and maintenance.

PatchAid Vitamins for Daily Health are designed to promote nutrient sufficiency and overall health. As long as your doctor agrees, they are for everyday use to help you stay on track to reach your health goals.

PatchAid Multivitamins for Adults and Kids

When talking about daily health, a Multivitamin Patch comes to mind. That’s because your diet may not have sufficient amounts of every single essential vitamin and mineral every single day. When you take a multivitamin supplement, you do not need to worry about getting each nutrient each day from the foods you choose. You will already be getting it from your patch. That can leave you free to choose a generally healthy diet, full of variety and new and exciting foods and recipes.

More Patch Vitamins for Daily Health 

While you might use a multivitamin as an insurance policy against common nutrient deficiencies, you or your doctor may have additional ideas about daily needs for your health. These are some other PatchAid vitamins for daily health.

  • Eye Health - did you know that some eye problems are related to age and are preventable? This patch has vitamins and other nutrients whose deficiencies are linked to age-related vision trouble.
  • Glucosamine and Chondroitin - these are critical components of cartilage, which cushions joints. Wearing away of joint cushioning leads to painful conditions such as osteoarthritis.
  • Glutathione - this compound is made of amino acids and found in heart, liver, and kidneys.
  • CoQ10 - an antioxidant that is linked to heart health, it is easier to get higher amounts of CoQ10 from supplements rather than food.
  • Vitamin D3 with K2 - Vitamins D3 and K2 ingredients for healthy bones and blood, and this patch also has calcium, which is an essential mineral for normal nerve and muscle function. 
  • Sleep Aid - the majority of Americans report being short on sleep regularly. Are you one of them? If so, you are at higher risk for accidents, lower ability to focus, and health concerns such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. The Sleep Aid patch has non habit-forming ingredients to support relaxation and natural sleep cycles. And there is a version for kids, who need adequate sleep for optimal brain development and learning.

Whichever patches you choose, PatchAid patches for daily health can support your efforts to stay nourished and promote being your best self. Be sure to ask your doctor before using any vitamin patches or other dietary supplements. Your healthcare provider can also help you decide which patches may be best for you to take depending on your individualized needs. PatchAid is sure to have the patches you need!

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