What Are The Benefits of Magnesium?

What Are The Benefits of Magnesium?

Jun 02, 2022 Alex Brecher

Magnesium is an essential mineral in hundreds of reactions in your body. It also plays a role in heart and bone health, not to mention proper muscle and nerve function. In short, health benefits of magnesium are numerous and wide-ranging! A magnesium patch can contain magnesium, and it may be one of the easiest types of magnesium to take. Be sure to ask a healthcare provider about any health concerns and before taking any dietary supplements. 

Functions of Magnesium

What are the benefits of magnesium? First, let’s look at what this essential mineral does. Magnesium is involved in these types of functions in your body.

  • Energy production from carbohydrates and fats.
  • Synthesizing new cells, include genetic material and antioxidants.
  • Being part of the structure of bones and cells.
  • Allowing for nerve impulses and other signals in your body.
  • Influencing water balance in your body.

As you can see, magnesium is pretty much everywhere and involved in many different things in your body!

Food Sources of Magnesium

Are you getting enough magnesium from food to be getting the health benefits of magnesium? Magnesium is in many nutritious foods, such as nuts, whole grains, and green vegetables. These are some food sources of magnesium.

  • Brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds
  • Salmon and other types of fish
  • Oat bran, brown rice, and other whole grains
  • Legumes, such as lentils, garbanzo beans, and kidney beans
  • Milk
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Seeds, such as sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • Dark chocolate, especially if at least 70% cocoa.
  • Tofu.

Magnesium is in such a wide variety of foods because of its wide variety of functions. That means that as long as you’re eating a varied diet with whole, healthy foods, you’re probably getting some magnesium!

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms and Risk Factors

Severe magnesium deficiency isn’t likely if you’re healthy and eating a normal, varied diet full of nutritious foods, but mild deficiency can happen sometimes.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms can include the following.

  • Low blood calcium levels
  • Low blood potassium levels
  • Sodium retention and bloating
  • Muscle spasms and tremors
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite

There are some groups that are more likely to have magnesium deficiency. You are more likely to develop a magnesium deficiency if any of these apply to you.

  • You have a gastrointestinal disorder, such as Crohn’s disease, colitis, removal of the small intestine, or a malabsorption syndrome.
  • You have chronic diarrhea.
  • You have a kidney disease that prevents your body from recycling magnesium as well as it should and instead magnesium is excreted as waste.
  • You have an endocrine or metabolic disorder, such as diabetes or parathyroid gland problems.

Making sure your body has an adequate amount of magnesium can prevent symptoms of magnesium deficiency. A magnesium patch contains magnesium that you don’t need to take orally. That’s not just convenient. It also means there’s no risk of side effects associated with digestion of magnesium-containing pills, tablets, or other types of magnesium supplements.

It’s hard to diagnose magnesium deficiency since there’s no simple test. If you aren’t sure, ask your healthcare provider. Together, the two of you may look at your diet and other health factors to see whether you may be at risk for not getting enough magnesium.

Improved Sleep

One of the best known benefits of magnesium is its role in sleep.* Magnesium deficiency is linked to muscle spasms and anxiety. Normal magnesium levels are needed for proper muscle relaxation and normal mood. When you can relax your mind and body better, it makes sense that sleep is better.

Other ways to help get to sleep faster and prevent long periods of wakefulness overnight include following a bedtime routine, going to bed at a consistent time, and sleeping in a comfortable bed in a cool, dark, and quiet room. You can also try to calm your mind with stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and physical activity. The PatchAid Sleep Aid Topical Vitamin Patch has magnesium as well as other ingredients associated with sleep and relaxation. 

Use for Preeclampsia in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time. It’s one in which you may be hyper aware of your nutrient intake, but very cautious about taking any questionable supplements for fear of harming the developing embryo. 

Magnesium benefits in pregnancy may be related to preeclampsia. That’s the severe swelling and high blood pressure that develops in some pregnancies. Magnesium sulfate has been used to treat seizures in these situations. When you are pregnant, it’s best to be in close touch with your healthcare provider.

Support Bone Health

You may think of calcium as the main mineral in bone, but magnesium is also a crucial component of bone mineral, also known as hydroxyapatite. Without enough magnesium, hydroxyapatite crystals can become big and bones can become more brittle. That means they are at higher risk for breaking if they experience trauma, such as in a fall. 

People with osteoporosis have, on average, lower magnesium status than people with higher bone mineral density. Preventing a magnesium deficiency, or addressing one if you have one, may be one way to support bone health.* 

Calcium and vitamin D are also important bone nutrients, and the PatchAid Vitamin D3 Calcium Patch has calcium, vitamin D3 (the active form of vitamin D), and vitamin K2 (an active form of vitamin K2). You can further support bone health by being physically active.

Lower Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

It appears that magnesium is needed for normal insulin sensitivity. Insulin is important for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that beta cells in your pancreas produce and release in order to help lower blood glucose, or blood sugar. When insulin resistance develops, the cells in your body aren’t as sensitive to the effects of insulin. That means that blood sugar can rise and you may develop prediabetes or diabetes. It’s also worth noting that magnesium deficiency can make blood sugar harder to control if you do have diabetes already.

People with lower dietary intakes of magnesium appear more likely to have insulin resistance. Some other ways to lower risk for type 2 diabetes are to lose excess weight if you are overweight or obese and to exercise regularly. Getting enough sleep, managing stress, and eating nutritious foods can also help. It’s best to get your blood glucose tested by your doctor as recommended and to keep in touch about any health concerns that you may have.

Reduced Heart Health Risks

Risk for heart disease has been linked to lower magnesium levels.* Better magnesium status or dietary intake has also been linked to lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol profiles. Both of those are markers of heart health. 

Magnesium may also affect cardiovascular disease risks because of its interactions with calcium. A shortage of magnesium can lead to an increased level of calcium in the blood. Too much calcium can increase the chances of vascular calcification, or hardening of the arteries due to calcium deposits. Atherosclerosis can result, and raise the risk for heart attacks or stroke.

You can further support heart health by eating plenty of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. Getting physical activity regularly and sleeping enough are also cardioprotective choices you can make every day. Your healthcare provider can advise on your heart health and the possibility of a magnesium supplement.

Types of Magnesium

Magnesium comes in many forms. Examples of types of magnesium are magnesium hydroxide, magnesium chloride, magnesium citrate, and magnesium aspartate. Types of magnesium in PatchAid Vitamin Patches include magnesium malate and magnesium oxide. 

Magnesium is available in different types of supplements. You can find it in gummies, capsules, liquids, powders, and chewable tablets. A transdermal magnesium patch is another type of magnesium supplement. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require you to take anything by mouth.

Side Effects of Magnesium

Magnesium supplements can have side effects. Diarrhea is the first sign of too much magnesium. That definitely makes sense when you consider that many people use magnesium as a laxative!

Other side effects of magnesium can include high blood levels of magnesium leading to low blood pressure, or hypotension. Severe magnesium toxicity can lead to kidney and heart problems, as well as fatigue and fuzzy thinking. Muscle weakness, trouble breathing, and heart attacks can occur. It’s especially important to be on the watch for magnesium toxicity in kidney disease patients. 

Transdermal Magnesium Patches

If you think you may not be getting enough magnesium from your diet, or if you think additional magnesium might help, it’s best to talk to your doctor about whether you may need a supplement such as a transdermal magnesium patch. 

Several PatchAid Vitamin Patches contain magnesium. These are some examples and what they’re formulated for.*

PatchAid Multivitamin Plus Patch. This has 500 mg of magnesium or 125% of the daily value for magnesium. It also has 26 other essential vitamins and minerals. You can think of it as a security blanket in case you’re not getting every nutrient, every day, from the foods you eat.

PatchAid Immune Defense Plus Vitamin Patch. This patch has 100 mg magnesium, or 25% of the daily value for magnesium, It also has vitamins C, D3, B6, and E, as well as zinc. These are critical for proper immune function. Other supportive ingredients include green tea, aged garlic, ginger root, turmeric, and red algae.

PatchAid Vitamin D3 Calcium Patch. This patch has 350 mg magnesium, or 88% of the daily value for magnesium. The patch also has calcium, vitamin K2 (the active form), and vitamin D3 (the active form of vitamin D3). It is specifically designed for bones, but it’s likely to support heart, muscle, and blood vessel health, too.

PatchAid Migraine Relief Patch. This patch comes with 250 mg magnesium, or 60% of the daily value for magnesium. It also has vitamin D3, riboflavin, folate, and vitamin B12, which are all linked to headaches or factors affecting headaches, such as blood vessel contraction and dilation. Some of the other related ingredients in this patch are Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Ashwagandha extract.

PatchAid Sleep Aid Topical Vitamin Patch. This patch has 300 mg magnesium, or 75% of the daily value. It also has melatonin, which is a natural sleep hormone that your body produces. Other ingredients are 5-HTP, L-tryptophan, valerian root, and hops flower. They’ve all been used for sleep and relaxation.

Magnesium patches are easy to use. Just peel off the backing and stick the sticky side of the patch onto a clean, hairless, dry area of skin that doesn’t have lotion on it. You can leave the patch on for up to 8 hours. Then just peel it off and discard it. You can use your next magnesium  patch the next day.

Using a magnesium patch doesn’t mean you can’t use other PatchAid Patches. They’re designed to be used together. You can use multiple patches at once, as long as your healthcare provider agrees that those are good nutrients for you to be getting.

Benefits of magnesium can come from preventing or managing a deficiency. A transdermal magnesium patch can be a source of magnesium that doesn’t cause side effects related to digestion. Plus, PatchAid Vitamin Patches with magnesium have additional nutrients and ingredients to help you reach your nutritional and health goals.* Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you think you may benefit from a magnesium supplement. A magnesium patch may be right for you!

*The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. The Vitamin D3 with K2 Patch by PatchAid is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individual results may vary.

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