Vitamin Patches for Magnesium Deficiency

Vitamin Patches for Magnesium Deficiency

May 09, 2023 Alex Brecher

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays roles in energy production and the health of muscles, the heart, the brain, and more, and low levels can lead to health concerns. Magnesium is in a lot of foods, but some people can benefit from more.* PatchAid has several vitamin patches with magnesium so you can avoid oral supplements. Just ask your healthcare provider before taking any dietary or nutritional supplements. 

Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is involved in many functions in the body. In fact, it’s in nearly all cells. If you are low in magnesium, your body will know. These are some benefits of getting optimal amounts of magnesium compared to having low or deficient levels.*

  • Relaxation. One of the best-known functions of magnesium is allowing for relaxation. A deficiency of magnesium can lead to an overactive brain in the form of excessive anxiety and inability to relax. The PatchAid Relax and Unwind Patch has magnesium, along with essential vitamins and minerals needed for relaxation, plus additional related compounds such as L-theanine and GABA.
  • Energy Production. Your body has many different ways to get energy from the foods you eat. Magnesium is essential for normal energy production at the cellular level. You can also get B vitamins, iron, and other essential nutrients for normal energy production from the PatchAid Multivitamin Patch.
  • Sleep. Magnesium deficiency can cause sleep difficulties. You may have trouble staying asleep throughout the night, and may have restless legs. Getting sufficient magnesium is necessary for normal and optimally restful sleep. The Sleep Aid Patch by PatchAid has magnesium in it, as well as ingredients such as melatonin, a natural sleep hormone, and valerian root, 5-HTP, and L-tryptophan.
  • Bone Health. Magnesium is necessary for strong bones, since it is part of the mineral that makes bones strong and hard. The Vitamin D3 and Calcium Patch, and the Vitamin D3 and K2 Patch, by PatchAid both have magnesium in them. Low bone mineral density can cause osteoporosis and a higher risk for bone fractures,.
  • Immunity. Magnesium is essential for normal functioning of cells called T cells. These are a group of cells that are involved in immune function. With low levels of T cells or lower activity of them, you can have more frequent infections, such as with the flu virus. Among the many ingredients in the Immune Defense Patch by PatchAid is magnesium.
  • Normal Mood. Magnesium deficiency is linked to a greater risk for depression and other mood disorders. It’s good to make sure you have sufficient amounts.
  • Heart Health. It seems likely that magnesium can support heart health. Being sufficient in magnesium may lower the risk for various risk factors for heart disease.
  • Brain Function. If you want to be able to think quickly and clearly, your brain needs to be well nourished and well stocked in neurotransmitter. Magnesium is necessary for the production and function of the brain. The Focus and Clarity Patch has magnesium, B vitamins, and vitamin E, not to mention ingredients such as ginseng, ginkgo, omega-3 fatty acids, and more.
  • Blood Sugar Regulation. It appears that magnesium may support your body in regulating blood sugar, which is critical for preventing diabetes. Magnesium may play roles in insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.
  • Prevention of Headaches. The PatchAid Migraine Relief Patch has magnesium, along with vitamin D3, some B vitamins, and herbal ingredients such as butterbur extract and feverfew extract. 
  • Women’s Health. Magnesium may help support normal menstrual cycles and menopause without excessive symptoms.
  • Prevention of Muscle Cramps. Magnesium is involved in normal muscle contraction, as well as relaxation. Without sufficient magnesium, you may experience muscle cramps, such as in the legs if you are an active person. It’s also good to stay hydrated and make sure you have enough sodium, potassium, and B vitamins to avoid cramps and dehydration.

    Magnesium Sources and Deficiency

    There are many food sources of magnesium. These are some examples.

    • Oat bran
    • Brazil nuts
    • Peanuts
    • Leafy green vegetables
    • Chocolate
    • Milk
    • Bananas
    • Molasses
    • Fish
    • Lima beans
    • Avocado 

    Still, many people can stand to have more magnesium. These are examples of groups of people who are at higher risk for low levels.

    • People with a limited diet
    • People with digestive conditions, such as IBS or Crohn’s disease
    • People on certain medications
    • People who abuse alcohol

    Consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns about your magnesium status, if you have risk factors for deficiency, or you may have symptoms. There’s no single reliable test, but your provider may start by assessing risk factors and evaluating your diet. Then your doctor may order lab tests.

    Getting Magnesium from Patches

    As mentioned above, there are a variety of PatchAid Vitamin Patches that contain magnesium. It is best to look through them and see which your healthcare provider may recommend for you. Vitamin patches are easy to use, and there’s no need to worry about digestive problems when you have them. 

    Just take off the easy-peel backing and apply the sticky side to an area of clean and dry skin. Keep the patch on for up to eight hours overnight or during the day. Then remove the patch, fold it in half, and discard it. Repeat the next day with a new patch.

    You can also be assured that it’s okay to use more than one vitamin patch at a time, as long as your healthcare provider approves. That’s especially helpful if you have more than one target nutrient that you are interested in or you have multiple health goals. There’s no need to chase one nutrient or goal at the expense of another!

    Magnesium has many benefits, and many PatchAid patches have magnesium. They’re easy to take without worrying about gastrointestinal side effects, and you can tailor your vitamin regimen based on your health goals.*

    *The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. PatchAid products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individual results may vary.

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