Tips for Healthy Long-Term Weight Loss

Tips for Healthy Long-Term Weight Loss

Feb 21, 2023 Alex Brecher

They say that no matter how hard or easy it is to lose weight, the real test is keeping it off for good. For long-term weight loss, you will need to establish new habits compared to the ones that caused weight gain in the first place, and for optimal health, it is best to select nutritious foods most of the time. 

With these efforts, you may also find yourself wanting to make sure you are getting the best results. Ask your healthcare provider whether a supplement may help. For example, PatchAid Natural Weight Loss Enhancer Patch is designed to help you feel confident about your diet and exercise efforts.* Here are 10 tips for healthy, long-term weight loss.

  • Drink more water.
  • This recommendation is a great one for a few reasons. For example, it involves havingmore and notless of something, which can be refreshing when you are trying to lose weight and may be feeling deprived. Also, it is based onyou. Whatever amount of water you drink now, havemore, and you are more likely to lose weight. Plus, you can increase your amount however you like, whether between meals, at meals, or throughout the day. Water works!

  • Eat vegetables.
  • Vegetables are a dieter’s best friend. They can also be your best friend if you want to keep pounds off, avoid excessive hunger, and be your best self. They are low in calories and high in water and fiber.

    These are some tips for getting more vegetables. 

    • Side salads can go with almost any meal. 
    • You can add vegetables to soup, sauce, stews, casseroles, eggs, and chili. 
    • Pile on vegetables when you order or make sandwiches, burritos, or pizza.
    • Swap half of a starchy side, such as pasta or rice, for a steamed vegetable.

    Aim to fill half of your plate with vegetables, and eat vegetables first if you are hungry for second helpings.

  • Be aware of nutrients.
  • There is no need to get obsessive to manage weight, but it helps to be aware. A healthy diet usually includes these kinds of nutrients.

    • Protein from lean sources, such as egg whites, fish, yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, and tofu.
    • Fiber from vegetables, beans, and fruit.
    • Healthy fats from nuts, olive oil, and avocados.
    • Healthy carbs from whole grains and starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes.
  • Cook more.
  • Eating out can lead to weight gain or unhealthy food consumption. Portions are often too big, and foods are often fatty, sugary, or high in carbs, and made with ingredients such as excessive fats or sugars. 

    When you cook for yourself, you get to choose everything from the ingredients to portion sizes. Doing this can help you manage your weight long-term as you include plenty of nutrients in your daily routine.

    Preparing your own meals does not mean you need to be a gourmet chef. A menu as simple as oatmeal with yogurt and fruit for breakfast, a peanut butter sandwich on whole-grain bread with berries plus baby carrots for lunch, and rotisserie chicken with a salad for dinner can be part of a nutritious day with great-tasting foods that take only minutes to prepare.

  • Get active and stay active.
  • Experts tend to agree that diet outweighs exercise when it comes to losing weight, but that exercise is crucial for preventing weight gain. People who lose a lot of weight and keep it off for good often exercise for an hour or more most days. If that sounds like a lot, start off with less and work your way up as you can. Also, be sure to ask your healthcare provider for guidance if you are new to exercise or have risk factors.

  • Weigh yourself often.
  • This may seem counterintuitive, especially if you are supposed to be focusing on slow weight loss instead of rapid loss. However, weighing yourself helps keep yourself accountable. When you weigh yourself, you are more likely to think about your weight or about facing the scale, and that can help motivate good decisions during the day. Plus, people who weigh themselves often are more likely to keep pounds off for the long-term.

    This doesn’t mean to agonize about every ounce every day. A more realistic and helpful approach is to weigh daily or a few times a week, but to choose one day to count as your official weigh-in. That way, daily fluctuations are less likely to throw you off. Instead, they can give you valuable information about your body’s patterns.

  • Eat when you are hungry.
  • This simple tip is something that babies are born with, and that most of us lose as we grow up. The more you can eat according to your hunger cues, the easier it can be to keep off extra pounds. Practice eating when you are hungry but not starving, and stop when you are just barely full. It can take a while to gain back this skill, but it is worth it!

  • Enjoy your food.
  • This is another strategy for mindful eating. When you enjoy every bite, savor the flavors and textures, and notice your surroundings, you can eat more slowly and feel more satisfied on less food. The result is that you can eat less overall, which helps keep pounds off long-term.

  • Fit life into your lifestyle.
  • Life continues to happen long-term, and that’s fine. Don’t let it throw a wrench into your healthy intentions. It is okay to party sometimes, eat out, and socialize. These tips can help.

    • Check the menu before you go, and decide what you will order.
    • Focus on smaller portions of everything except vegetables and water.
    • Bring your own food if there will not be anything healthy at the event.
    • Drink lots of water.
    • Have fun in ways other than eating.

    However you choose to fit fun events into your lifestyle, stay positive and keep the other days on track. That way, you will be sure that the majority of your choices are the right ones for health and weight.

  • Support your efforts with a patch.*
  • With all those healthy efforts, you might as well get the most possible results. The Natural Weight Loss Enhancer Patch by PatchAid has ingredients designed to keep your body on track.* It has key B vitamins for energy production and metabolism, as well as kelp and blue-green algae to support cholesterol and blood sugar.* For digestive support, bromelain, a natural enzyme in pineapple, is present, while apple cider vinegar is naturally antimicrobial.* 

    The Natural Weight Loss Enhancer Patch:

    • May help maintain normal energy levels.*
    • May support normal red blood cell formation.*
    • May promote heart and nerve health.*
    • May promote healthy muscle recovery after exercise.*

    *The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. PatchAid patches are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individual results may vary.

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