Tips for Aging Well

Tips for Aging Well

Dec 09, 2022 Alex Brecher

People are living longer compared to in previous decades, when infectious diseases were rampant. But living longer is no longer the ultimate goal. For many people, the goal now is to have more healthy years. 

Living longerandhealthier can mean making healthy decisions throughout the lifespan. You can also change a few things as you age to help make sure you are as healthy as possible. These are eight tips for healthier aging. Just be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before making any changes or taking a nutritional supplement, such as Anti-Aging Vitamin Patches by PatchAid.

  • Eat well.
  • Many high schoolers and college students can get away with eating pretty much anything, whether it’s entire pizzas or a steady diet of noodles. Some people keep eating like that for decades. It’s not doing you any favors!

    Instead, there are a lot of foods and dietary patterns that are linked to longevity and lower risk for chronic conditions. These are some basic guidelines. 

    • Include lots of vegetables and fruits.
    • Look for whole grains instead of refined, lean proteins instead of fatty or processed ones, and healthy fats instead of butter or fatty meats.
    • Have smaller servings of sugar-sweetened foods and beverages.
    • Drink more water.

    It doesn’t mean you have to give up all pleasures to be healthy. It just means that being mindful can go a long way.

  • Exercise with purpose.
  • Physical activity is important throughout the lifespan for weight control, mental health, and metabolic health. However, exercise takes on new meaning as we get older. These are some tips.

    • Walk briskly to maintain the ability to do so.
    • Add resistance training, stretching, and balance exercises to lower the risk of injuries and falls.
    • Consider function and use stairs when you can so you can maintain your ability.

    Of course, ask your doctor before starting a new type of activity, and get clearance first if you have any health concerns.

  • Exercise your brain.
  • Your body needs a workout. So does your brain. As they say, “use it or lose it.” You can challenge your brain with special games, but there are other ways, such as the following.

    • Take a different route to your usual destinations.
    • Take a class.
    • Do puzzles such as crossword or jigsaw puzzles.
    • Play an instrument.

    Anything that involves thinking and reacting can keep your brain active and healthier.

  • Check your medications.
  • Medications can be tricky. Most of them have side effects. Some of them have interactions. Some of them work for some people, but not for others. If you have any questions about medications, start to feel as though they may be causing side effects or may not be working, or have any questions about your health, contact your healthcare provider. It’s important to stay on top of health conditions now more than ever.

  • Prioritize sleep.
  • Aging can often come with more difficulty sleeping. You may never sleep like a baby again, but there are some things you can do to improve your sleep. 

    • Get more physical activity.
    • Have a relaxing bedtime routine.
    • Make sure your bed and bedroom are comfortable.
    • Do not drink coffee too close to bedtime.

    It’s also important to know warning signs of a problem and to ask your doctor. For example, if you’re drowsy during the day and you believe you are setting aside enough time for sleep, you could have a condition such as sleep apnea.

  • Make (and keep) your healthcare appointments.
  • Doctor’s appointments may be more frequent now, and they are more important. Getting vaccines on time, knowing which screenings to get, following up when you have health conditions that need managing, and staying in touch with your provider are all helpful in adding more quality years to your life. Online portals can make it easier to manage your health, but if you prefer using pen and paper to keep track, that works just fine, too.

  • Lay off the booze.
  • Okay, you may not need to avoid it entirely, but do respect the changes in your body as you get older. Metabolism may change, and there is another factor: medications. Adults over 65 take more than one prescription medication on average, and many medications can interfere with alcohol.

    The recommendation for younger adults is to keep it to no more than two daily drinks for men and one for women. For older adults, it may be wise to reduce your intake. It may also be necessary to time your alcohol intake, if you do have any, around your medications.

  • Optimize your nutrition.
  • Eating nutritious foods is a step in the right direction, but supplements can provide additional compounds. Anti-Aging Vitamin Patches by PatchAid* are formulated with ingredients that support body functions and structures that are especially important during aging. These are some of our patches to combat aging.*

    There’s also the Forever Young Patch Pack with the Anti-Aging Complete, Collagen Plus, Glucosamine and Chondroitin Plus, Vitamin C Plus, Hangover Plus, and Biotin Plus Vitamin Patches.

    It’s okay to use more than one vitamin patch at once. Ask your doctor which Anti-Aging and other vitamin patches might benefit you. They’re designed to be okay to use up to 8 patches at once. Remember, there’s no need to worry about interfering with nutrient absorption because the vitamins are absorbed through the skin, not the digestive system.

    As you get older, there are some steps to take to maintain a high quality of life and preserve health as best possible. Work with your healthcare provider to make sure you are on top of it so you can enjoy as many good years as possible.

    *The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. PatchAid patches are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individual results may vary.

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