Can you really get vitamins from a patch?! How can it be that you get vitamins through your skin instead of swallowing them with food or in a pill? And how do you even use a vitamin patch? This is how PatchAid Vitamin Patches work and how to use them (don’t worry - it is easy!).
How Do Vitamins Get Through the Skin?
We are used to thinking about nutrients getting digested with food or as part of supplements such as capsules or tablets. It may feel funny to learn that they can be absorbed into the body through the skin. But that is what happens! Remember, it is not your stomach or digestive system that needs the nutrients. They go into the bloodstream whether they come into the stomach with food or a capsule, or whether they enter through the skin in a patch.
PatchAid Vitamin Patches have vitamins, minerals, herbals, and any other ingredients suspended in a matrix in the adhesive layer of the patch. When you apply the patch, the adhesive layer touches your skin. Your skin triggers the process of the ingredients being released from the adhesive.
The active ingredients are extracted from the patch’s adhesive layer and are absorbed into the outer layer of the skin, called the stratum corneum. Tiny blood vessels, or capillaries, in your skin allow the ingredients to travel through the bloodstream and circulate in the body.
Easy to Apply and Use
Some patches are difficult to apply. It is hard to get off the backing to reveal the sticky, adhesive portion underneath. We have taken special care with PatchAid Vitamin Patches to make sure that this is not a problem. The back peels off easily so the patch does not tear.
Putting the patch on is easy. Find a smooth area of skin without hair. Clean and dry it, and then stick on the patch. Since it is not being absorbed through the digestive system, it does not matter if you have the patch with or without food. And, there is no chance of a vitamin patch causing an upset stomach, constipation, or diarrhea, since it does not affect digestion.
What About Multiple Health Needs?
What happens if you have a few different health or wellness concerns? There is no need to worry. PatchAid Vitamin Patches are designed to be safe for use when you use more than one patch at a time. That means you can use patches for different purposes.
That might include a Multivitamin Plus Patch any number of specialty patches. For example, you might choose a Metabolism Plus Patch for weight loss purposes, and an Immune Defense, Heart Health, Brain and Memory, Hair, Skin, and Nails, or Eye Health Patch to focus on specific body systems. And you can try a Sleep Aid, Nausea Relief, Hangover Relief, or Easy Cycle patch, among others, as you see the need.
If you are skeptical about PatchAid Vitamin Patches, give them a try! Talk to your doctor about which ones may meet your needs, and then see how easy getting your nutrients can be with PatchAid Vitamin Patches.