Eight Ways to Increase Energy Without Caffeine

Eight Ways to Increase Energy Without Caffeine

Feb 02, 2022 Alex Brecher

Do you ever feel tired during the day? Do you wish you had the energy to do the things you want? It may not just be “age.” There may be some steps you can take to increase your energy levels without caffeine. These are eightways to increase energy without caffeine.

  • Eat well.
  • A high-nutrition diet can provide nutrients that support energy. Protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy carbohydrates and fats all work together to keep you feeling at your best. Eating small meals at regular times can help support stable energy and blood sugar.

  • Exercise.
  • Exercise may be a little tiring at times, but the overall effect is to increase your energy levels. As you get fitter, the other parts of your life can seem easier. If you need more motivation, think of reasons like better mood, lower risk for diabetes and hypertension, and weight control. 

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Sleep deprivation can make you droopy when you are supposed to be awake. And it can interfere with metabolism, making your energy levels feel even lower. Sleeping for long enough, and soundly enough, can perk you up. Ways to support adequate, high-quality, sleep are to go to bed at a consistent time, set aside enough hours each night to get enough sleep, and to have a consistent bedtime routine that helps you fall asleep faster. Being comfortable and sleeping in a quiet dark, and cool environment can also help.

  • Cut back on alcohol.
  • Drinking alcohol can leave you feeling bloated and exhausted. It may help to cut back on alcohol or avoid it entirely for a while. There are many alternatives, such as alcohol-free mainstream and craft beers.

  • Lose weight.
  • Carrying around extra pounds can be draining. If you are overweight or obese, ask your doctor whether she recommends that you lose weight. Work together to come up with a safe and sustainable eating and exercise plan that can help you lose weight and feel better.

  • Go outside.
  • Sunlight can help keep your circadian rhythm healthy. The circadian rhythm is the body’s natural way of regulating sleep and wake cycles. Going outside during the day can help you get natural light, and better yet if it is sunlight! An early morning or midday walk can have a major impact on night-time sleep and daytime energy levels.

  • Try a vitamin patch.
  • B vitamins are essential for normal energy metabolism so that your body can use food for fuel. The PatchAid B12 Energy Plus Vitamin Patch has a range of B vitamins, along with related antioxidants, that are needed for fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism. It is easy to use, and you can keep it on for up to 8 hours at a time. As long as your doctor approves, a B12 Energy Plus Vitamin Patch can be a simple way to get more nutrients related to energy metabolism.

  • Talk to your doctor.
  • It is always safest to talk to your doctor if you have a health concern or are considering starting a vitamin regimen or other health-related program. A healthcare provider can assess your condition and help you figure out which strategies may be best for improving energy levels and health.

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