How Do Vitamins Help the Body?

How Do Vitamins Help the Body?

Dec 24, 2022 Alex Brecher

Is it important to take vitamins, or can you just get them from food? Here’s how vitamins can help the body,* and why PatchAid Vitamin Patches are easy choices for getting your vitamins. Be sure to ask your healthcare provider before using any nutritional supplement. 

Vitamins and Nutrition

We may hear a lot about carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and it is true that choosing the right sources can make or break a health or weight loss diet. These are what are known as “macronutrients,” or “big nutrients.” 

What may be less talked about is the role of “micronutrients,” or “small nutrients.” These are essential vitamins and minerals that are just as critical for health as macronutrients. Vitamins and minerals are in healthy foods, such as vegetables, fish, meat, beans, fruit, whole grains, and nuts. Here are a few roles of vitamins in the body.

Metabolism and Energy Production

Macronutrients may be sources of calories, or energy, but micronutrients allow your body to unlock and use that energy. The B12 Energy Plus Vitamin Patch by PatchAid,* for example, has B vitamins that are involved in breaking down macronutrients and letting your body convert their energy into fuel. B vitamin deficiencies can lead to being low on energy and gaining weight.

Bone Health

Your bones are made of calcium and so much more. Other minerals in your bones include magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. And, vitamin D is essential for letting your body properly use these minerals. Vitamin D3 Patches by PatchAid have vitamins and minerals linked to healthy bones.* In addition, these and other nutrients are needed for normal immune function and heart health.*

Healthy Hair, Nails, and Skin

Hair, nail, and skin health is more than just cosmetic. Healthy hair, nails, and skin can be a sign that you are getting sufficient vitamins and minerals. Biotin is implicated in all of these body tissues, but vitamins A and C, as well as folic and and vitamin D3, are important, too.*

Why Take Vitamins?

If nutritious foods have vitamins and minerals, why would you take a vitamin supplement? There are times when your needs may be higher, or when you are not getting enough from food, or when you may not be absorbing enough from food. 

These are just a few groups of people who are at higher risk for one or more vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

  • Bariatric surgery patients
  • People on strict weight loss
  • Older adults
  • Athletes
  • People on vegan, dairy-free, or gluten-free diets
  • People with absorptive or digestive conditions, such as colitis

If you are not in one of the above groups, a vitamin supplement can still sometimes be beneficial. It is best to talk to your healthcare provider about your risk factors and any other concerns you may have to determine which vitamin patches may be best for you.

Making sure you have enough vitamins is critical for optimal health. It is not always possible to get all of the ones you need each day from the foods you eat, but vitamin supplements can add to your totals.* Vitamin Patches by PatchAid make it easy to get your vitamins without fuss. Just ask your healthcare provider which may be best for you.

*The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. PatchAid patches are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone with a medical condition should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individual results may vary.

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