Dealing with Seasonal Allergies

Dealing with Seasonal Allergies

Jan 18, 2022 Alex Brecher

Some people are thrilled to get past the darkest days of winter. Other people dread the start of allergy season. If you get seasonal allergies, chances are you are looking for almost any way out. There are some strategies you can try, and the PatchAid Allergy Plus Vitamin Patch may be one of your tools. Just check with your healthcare provider before using it to make sure that it is right for you.

Causes and Symptoms of Allergies

For much of the U.S., allergy season starts in February. It happens in the spring when pollen counts increase as flowers and trees bloom. The allergic reaction happens when your immune system overreacts to these substances. It produces histamines, which lead to the symptoms you notice. Symptoms of seasonal allergies can include these.

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Water or red eyes
  • Itchy eyes or nose

Strategies for Dealing with Seasonal Allergies

While some symptoms may be impossible to avoid entirely, you may be able to prevent the worst of it. These are some strategies for dealing with seasonal allergies. They mostly focus on avoiding or reducing exposure to triggers, or high pollen counts. 

  • Staying indoors when it is very dry and windy.
  • Wear a mask outdoors.
  • Keep windows closed when pollen counts are high.
  • Using an air filter inside.
  • Use a dehumidifier indoors.

Some triggers are unavoidable, but you may be able to at least reduce your exposure and make the allergic reaction less severe. Still, you may need additional help to keep symptoms at bay. A healthcare provider may recommend over-the-counter medications, such as nasal sprays or oral decongestants, or nasal irrigation with a saline spray, for example. Your doctor may agree that the PatchAid Allergy Plus Vitamin Patch could be a good idea to help fight seasonal allergies.

PatchAid Allergy Plus Vitamin Patch

The PatchAid Allergy Plus Vitamin Patch is specially formulated for people with seasonal allergies. It has ingredients that have long been used as antihistamines, which reduce the effects of the histamines in your body that cause the allergic reaction and symptoms. Bromelain, quercetin, and stinging nettle are examples.

The PatchAid Allergy Plus Vitamin Patch also has vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and a key part of the immune system. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory. The patch also has peppermint, holy basil leaf, milk thistle, and other natural ingredients. 

At a time when you may not be feeling so great due to seasonal allergies, the PatchAid Allergy Plus Vitamin Patch is super easy to use. Just apply it! You don’t have to worry about swallowing a pill and dealing with side effects.

It is important to talk to your doctor if you have seasonal allergies to find out what the causes may be and what your best options are for treatment. Also check whether the PatchAid Allergy Plus Vitamin Patch may be right for you. It is easy to use and contains a wide range of ingredients to fight allergic reactions in many ways.

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