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5 Indicators of Nutritional Deficiency & How Topical Vitamins Can Help

5 Indicators of Nutritional Deficiency & How Topical Vitamins Can Help

May 20, 2024 Veronica Hernandez

Are you frequently experiencing bloating, nausea, or unexplained fatigue? These symptoms might be more than just random occurrences; they could be signs that your body is struggling to absorb the nutrients you consume, a condition known as malabsorption. PatchAid has created Topical Patches that can potentially assist by providing vitamins and minerals without relying on the digestive system.* Remember to consult with your healthcare provider if you suspect nutrient malabsorption or before commencing any supplement regimen.

Recognizing the Signs of Poor Nutrient Absorption

Here are five common signs that your body may not be absorbing sufficient nutrients:

Persistent Fatigue

While fatigue can stem from various factors, it can sometimes be traced back to malabsorption. Deficiencies in iron or B vitamins, for example, might lead to anemia, causing tiredness, breathlessness, and muscle weakness. Nutrient shortfalls can also disrupt your body's energy metabolism, resulting in lethargy.

Other factors like inadequate sleep, stress, and a poor diet can also cause tiredness, so addressing these alongside any deficiencies is crucial for improving your overall energy levels.

Digestive Upset

Occasional gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort is normal, but persistent issues may signal a malabsorption problem. Common GI symptoms to watch out for include constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, especially after meals, and vomiting. These could be due to direct damage to the GI tract or undigested food lingering in your intestines, but since they can also indicate other health concerns, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.

Unhealthy Hair

Your hair's condition can reflect your health status. If you notice your hair thinning, looking dry, or becoming brittle, it may suggest a deficiency in essential nutrients.

Skin Rashes

Skin rashes without an obvious cause may be another red flag of possible vitamin deficiencies. Since your skin often mirrors your gut health, an autoimmune condition impairing nutrient absorption could manifest as a rash.

Unintentional Weight Loss

If you're experiencing weight loss without trying, it might be related to the inadequate absorption of macronutrients like fats, proteins, and carbs, which provide the body's required caloric energy. This could be due to direct malabsorption or a vitamin or mineral deficiency hindering proper utilization of these nutrients.

Knowing the Causes

Malabsorption can occur for several reasons, with certain groups more at risk:

  • Older adults might face difficulty absorbing certain nutrients due to decreased stomach acid levels.
  • Individuals with conditions like colitis or Crohn’s disease may suffer intestinal wall damage, impacting nutrient uptake.
  • People with celiac disease can experience exacerbated malabsorption when exposed to gluten.
  • Bariatric surgery patients might also struggle with nutrient absorption due to anatomical changes.
  • Those with fat malabsorption disorders may have trouble absorbing fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.

Blood tests can often detect deficiencies, and healthcare providers might use specific diagnostic tests to determine the cause of malabsorption symptoms.

The Transdermal Solution

For those having trouble with nutrient absorption, PatchAid offers Topical Patches as an alternative to traditional oral supplements. Oral supplements can sometimes exacerbate symptoms or simply be less absorbable, similar to the way nutrients in food may not be well-absorbed. Topical patches deliver nutrients directly through the skin and into the bloodstream, circumventing the gastrointestinal issues.

PatchAid provides a variety of Topical Patches, which are simple to use; just adhere the patch onto clean, dry skin and leave it for up to 8 hours, replacing it daily. Multi-patch usage is possible.

If you're dealing with a malabsorption disorder, transdermal patches might be a beneficial way to address nutrient gaps. Consult with your healthcare provider to see if PatchAid Topical Patches are suitable for you.*

*Disclaimer: The statements made by PatchAid have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult a healthcare professional for medical advice. Results may vary.

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