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The Science Behind Transdermal Patches: Unveiling the Mystery

The Science Behind Transdermal Patches: Unveiling the Mystery

Jun 17, 2024 Alex Brecher 2 min read

Transdermal patches are an innovative leap in the field of medicine and wellness, offering an alternative route to traditional oral supplements or injections. Their principle is fascinating and relies heavily on the skin's ability to act as both a protective barrier and a potent medium for substance absorption. Our journey through their scientific foundation will also throw light on PatchAid, a commendable advocate of this technology, recognized for their doctor-recommended patches.

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The Science Behind Vitamin Patches

The Science Behind Vitamin Patches

Feb 05, 2024 Alex Brecher 3 min read

Vitamin patches have recently soared in popularity, opening up questions on their effectiveness and legitimacy. Does the convenience offered by these easy-to-use patches sound too good to be true, or does it hold the promise of ditching traditionally inconvenient, large oral capsules? Let's discard the notion of these being mere "snake oil on a sticker" and dive into the reality of vitamin patches, specifically focusing on the PatchAid brand.

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